Yesterday IBM has shipped FP2 of IBM Domino 9.0.1. So today I found some time to download and install it on my Domino 9.0.1 server.
The problem
When the install was finished and started the Domino server again. In the console their appeared some stack traces saying that some jar files not can resolved,, and the DOTS task was shutdown.
The console also pointed me to the directory where the jar should be. In my case <Program directory>\osgi-dots\shared\eclipse\plugin
When I opened the directory on the file system, I noticed there were to….. jar files, with unique names.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”600px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ][/dropshadowbox]
The solution
I decided to remove the from this directory, and after a restart of the server the stack trace was gone and the DOTS task was back to normal.
Hello Frank – Scott Vrusho with IBM. I tried to reproduce this with 9.0.1 FP2 Open Social installer on Windows 64-bit and although did not reproduce your exact scenario, I did find an issue that I have filed a defect on and the IBM Dev team is investigating. The issue I discovered was installing the Open Social Fixpack on top of 9.0.1 Open Social install, removes the directory (at least on Windows 64) and then a 2nd install lays it down. So essentially installing it twice corrects it. In your case, I wonder if the file was still in use somehow and thus the installer couldn’t remove it. What Platform were you on? W64 like I tried?
Hi, Thanks for the effort. I am running my Domino on 64 bits. This weekend I ran in another problem with the new CKEditor and a custom theme. So I tried to remove it but my whole Domino server went crazy. So I reinstalled the Domino server from 9.0.1 through FP1 to FP2 inclusive the Open Social installers. This went well, without breaking DOTS again. So may be it was misfortune on my side.
Cool. Glad it worked out. FYI – We will fix something in 9.0.1 FP3 specifically about installing OpenSocial fix pack on top of 9.0.1 Open Social base install where it uninstalls, then you have to run a 2nd time to install. It doesn’t happen FP1 -> FP2 only from base.
Another FYI – FP2 is cumulative of FP1. Same will be true of FP3. So you can install 9.0.1 and go directly to latest fix pack.
That’s all the news to share for now.
Best Regards
Scott Vrusho
Release Mgmt
IBM Domino Development