Last week John Jardin pointed me to a very interested progress bar project, Pace JS.
It is a loading progress bar which runs out of the box only by adding the Javascript and CSS theme. There is a possibility to configure it, but it is not necessary.
Getting started
I added in bower.json file the Bower package name and run Bower to update my client side framework in my On Disk Project.
“name”: “bower4xpages”,
“version”: “0.0.1”,
“dependencies”: {
“bootstrap.growl”: “latest”,
“eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker”: “latest”,
“moment”: “latest”,
“underscore”: “latest”,
“fontawesome”: “latest”,
“private”: true
Next step is to refresh my On Disk Project in the Navigator inside the Domino Designer and sync the Database with my On Disk Project.
Include it
In my theme I only have to add 2 new entries
<resource> <content-type>application/x-javascript</content-type> <href>libs/pace/pace.js</href> </resource> <resource> <content-type>text/css</content-type> <href>libs/pace/themes/blue/pace-theme-minimal.css</href> </resource>
Build my application an reload a page in my XPages app……… but there was an javascript.
There is a need to disable in the AMD loader in the javascript file, or use the working around at XSnippets.
To disable AMD in the Pace.js file, replace this
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['pace'], function() { return Pace; }); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = Pace; } else { if (options.startOnPageLoad) { Pace.start(); } }
By this
if (options.startOnPageLoad) { Pace.start(); }
Happy coding…
Nice one.
Side note: have you considered either a syntax highlighter for your code blocks (or using
Thanks, I have updated my blog with the highlighter
I tried it, looks good!
It tested it with a page with a data view on it, at page load the indicator was shown, when I navigated through the view via a pager control the indicator never appeared (too short interval). I guess it needs some kind of minimal load time? Can I specify this interval?
Please see the documentation. There you can find more configuration parameters.