Social Connections 15: New technology track

Social Connections is THE user group event about everything around IBM Connections. This year will be edition 15 in Munich on September 16 and 17.

New Technology Track

Since last edition, as far I know, there is a new track, New Technology. In this track you can share all your experience about new technology and don’t have to be related of IBM Connections.

Last edition I shared my experience about Reactive Programming. So if you want share some thing new, submit an abstract. The deadline is 30th of June

May be I will see you in Munich, as I hope that my abstract will be accepted.

The slides of my 2 sessions at NCUG 2019

I had the pleasure to do 2 presentations at NCUG, formerly known as ISBG. It were very technical questions, but was happy that people where brave enough to attend 😉

Spring forward: an introduction to Spring boot and Thymeleaf for (XPages) developers

The world of (XPages) developer is moving fast. Customers rethinking platforms and solutions. Spring Bootmakes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can “just run”. In combination with Thymeleaf can it be good alternative for your XPages applications.

In this session I give an introduction of Spring Boot and Thymeleaf and how to get started. I will show the differences and similarities between Spring Boot in combination with Thymeleaf and XPages.

I will explain the challenges I faced when moving an application.

[slideshare id=149219496&doc=isbg2019springforward-190611114911]

The demo application can be found here:

Super charge your API’s with Reactive streams

Today almost every product has an API, to integrate in other products or to  made the data available to the outside world. Most API’s are using traditional patterns and technology. With the rise of Angular, React and other modern frameworks there is a need for non blocking API’s. Meet Reactive streams, like Spring Webflux, to super charge your API.

In this session I will tell about and show you Reactive API’s and more

[slideshare id=149305075&doc=isbg2019reactivestreams-190612140649]

I created a demo application application with a Angular frontend, it can be found here:

Hope it will help you to get started in the Spring Boot / Webflux world. If you needs help, let me know

Engage 2019: The good, the bad and the ugly: a not so objective view on front end development

This week was Engage 2019 in Autoworld in Brussels.

Theo Heselmans and crew did an amazing job, again, in a stunning venue. I was privileged to be speaking again.

My Session

I was really surprised to have a full room. I enjoyed it very much to deliver my opinion on the current most populair front end frameworks, VueJS, React and Angular.

[slideshare id=145974196&doc=engage2019thegoodthebadtheugly-190516061444]

Demo application

For this session I created a demo application to show how you can use React, Vue or Angular to build the exact same application. As API layer I created a Spring Boot and NodeJS version. Inside the repository is also a Python version, but be aware that there is the Account CRUD operations are missing.

The repository can be found here,

Feel free to fork, clone or enhance the repository. Keep in mind it was my way to build the front ends, there are more ways to reach a goal.

Speaking at ISBG, hope to see you in Stockholm

Finally the agenda is published for the ICS Nordic event, ISBG. This year I will be one of the speakers.


I will do 2 sessions, both about Spring Boot. One is an introduction to Spring Boot especially for Domino developers. The second will be more advanced, learn more about Reactive programming.

Hope to see you in Stockholm on June 11th and 12th 2019. Go register here

See you in Brussels

14th and 15th of May 2019 Engage will take place at the awesome Autoworld venue in Brussels.

I am honoured to be part of this event as speaker.

This time I will do a session about Front end frameworks in the Emerging Technology track

Session details

The good, the bad and the ugly: a not so objective view on Front End Development

In the front end development world there are 3 dominant players, Angular, ReactJS and VueJs. 

Every framework has a strong fan base. And of course lots of pros and cons  The best way to learn more about the strengths and weaknesses of the frameworks, I have build the same application with all these frameworks. In this session I will explain my experience with each framework and try to highlight the good the bad and the ugly. Expect to see code

Hope to see you all in Brussels

Named as IBM Champion 2019

Just before Christmas I received an email in my inbox. The subject was ‘Congratulations, you’re an IBM Champion (again)!’

I am very honoured to be named IBM Champion again. This time only in the category ‘Cloud’.

This my 5th year, after 2013, 2014, 2017 and 2018.

Class of 2019

Here you can read about the IBM Champions 2019,

ibm champion
IBM Champion

My review of 2018


2018 is almost over, a reason to share some thoughts.

  • I was a double IBM Champion, Collaboration and Cloud.
  • Attended IBM Think in Las Vegas.
  • When in Las Vegas I did the St. Patrick run near the Hoover Dam.
  • Delivered a portal for a big city in the Netherlands, based on Spring Boot and Thymeleaf
  • Still at Rabobank, doing interesting projects
  • My oldest daughter moved to another volleyball club to get more out of her sport
  • We did a road trip though the Rocky Mountains in the USA
  • … and visited New York, where Bill Malchisky spent time with us as a tour guide. Many thanks….
  • Spoke at several events like EntwicklerCamp, SNoUG, Engage, IconUK and Social Connections
  • Presentations were about Spring Boot and Reactive API.
  • Hope to keep sharing my knowledge in 2019
  • Learnt a lot about Spring Boot and Pivotal Cloud Foundry
  • Learnt CosmosDb on Azure as MongoDb and hate it right away 😉
  • Still a fan of MongoDb and explored the new cloud offering MongoDb Atlas.
  • Build applications with Angular and React
  • Build the same API with Spring Boot, NodeJS and Python to learn more. In my pet project NodeJS was the winner.
  • Did some beta testing with Domino v10 beta2
  • Was not surprised HCL will take over the whole IBM Collaboration suite.
  • Hope HCL can keep the existing customers on the platform
  • I will not wait and will move on.
  • Already 4 years going strong Freelance Full Stack Developer.
  • My lovely niece, only 5 years old, passed away after she lost the fight of her disease.
  • Remembered our lovely niece on her birthday by wearing 2 different socks.
  • Enjoyed to being part of an amazing ‘yellow’ community. A bit more from the side line…but still part.
  • Running was on a low, but compensated by more on the MTB.
  • Moved my mail and documents from Google to Microsoft Office 365 and I am happy.

Happy 2019

Supercharge your API with Reactive Streams

Today I did my session, about Reactive streams at Social Connections 14 in the very sunny Berlin.

Slides of the session

Reactive Streams Starter

For this session I created a starter project, which will give you a kick start if you want to try it your self.

In the ReadMe is more information about the things you need, like MongoDb locally or remote.

BTW in the repository is also a frontend project, build with Angular, which interacts with the API.

The Repository is on Bitbucket



My slides of my session at IconUK and more

Icon UK 2018 has finished. Was great to see and speak to many people again.

My Slides of IconUK

Here are the slides of my session.

….and more

For my session I have created a (small) open source project to give you a head start if you want to get starting with Spring Boot and Thymeleaf.

As far I can see the basics are included

  • REST API controller
  • Page controlle
  • Templates
  • Fragments
  • Localisation
  • Security
  • manifest file to push application to Cloud Foundry
  • Docker file
  • Kubernetes file

You can find this project on Bitbucket,

Quick tip: Swagger support for Spring Webflux

At my customers when I create microservices I always add Swagger support, because it easy to test the microservice.

Another create benefit it gives the business also a nice UI to see what to expect.


Now I am preparing a demo for my session about Reactive Programming, which I will give at Social Connections 14 event next month in Berlin, I was thinking how to add support to my Spring Webflux demo.

But the current Swagger versions doesn’t support Spring Webflux


After some research I found that Swagger2 will add support for Spring Webflux in version 3.0.0

But there is already a SNAPSHOT in the wild with support.

Add version 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT to your dependencies in your pom.xm

After the dependencies are loaded in your project

Go to or create a SwaggerConfiguration class and add @EnableSwagger2WebFlux to your class


When you start your application head over to the swagger-ui.html and voila.


Happy coding