I had the pleasure to do 2 presentations at NCUG, formerly known as ISBG. It were very technical questions, but was happy that people where brave enough to attend Spring forward: an introduction to Spring boot and Thymeleaf for (XPages) developers The world of (XPages) developer is moving fast. Customers rethinking platforms and solutions. Spring Read More
The slides of my 2 sessions at NCUG 2019
Engage 2019: The good, the bad and the ugly: a not so objective view on front end development
This week was Engage 2019 in Autoworld in Brussels. Theo Heselmans and crew did an amazing job, again, in a stunning venue. I was privileged to be speaking again. My Session I was really surprised to have a full room. I enjoyed it very much to deliver my opinion on the current most populair front Read More
Angular 4 bug in combination with latest Typescript
When we upgraded our Angular app to the latest version. We noticed everything worked with version 4.2.3 and Typescript 2.4. The problem After we reinstalled all the nom packages the Angular version was upgraded to 4.2.4, because we had in our package.json ‘^4.2.3’ for Angular packages. When we package everything and republished the app to Read More
Angular and base64 encoding and decoding
Currently I am busy building a Proof of Concept at my customer. We are using Springboot for the Backend services, which get data from Tridion and store data in a Oracle database.. The Front end is build with Angular. We started with version 2 with Grunt as build tool, but quickly we changed it to Read More