I moved our HR Assistant application to a Spring boot to run everywhere, but the data was still stored in a Cloudant database running on IBM Cloud. No problem, but not that flexible. So I was looking for a way to to store the data somewhere with minimum impact. Step 1: Get CouchDb running I Read More
A small open source project: Cloudant REST API
At IBM Think John Jardin and Paul Withers had a session, Tips and Tricks: Domino and JavaScript Development Master Class. It was great session about React, web sockets and Domino REST API. At the end of this session I got an idea to provide a Cloudant REST API, with the same endpoints of the Domino API Read More
Quick tip: Make a backup of your Cloudant database
For HR Assistant, we use Cloudant database as storage of the data on the IBM Cloud Today I was thinking about ‘what if we loose our data as something goes wrong’. It is not likeable, but still possible. Make a backup On IBM Cloud, there is documentation about making a backup of your data. So Read More
The slides of my session at Engage
Here are my slides of my session at Engage. DEV03 – How Watson, Bluemix, Cloudant, and XPages Can Work Together In A Real World Application from Frank van der Linden
My slides of my Cloudant introduction session at Meet IT
Last Wednesday Meet IT conference was held at IBM Client Center in Milan. I did a session about Cloudant and how you can use it inside an XPages application. My session was in the Auditorium, a big room like a theater with good chairs, very good audio and screens. Was nice to it such big Read More
My slides of my Cloudant session at Sutol 2016
Today I did a session at Sutol conference in Prague. It was about how to get started with Cloudant as an XPages developer. A (XPages) developers guide to Cloudant from Frank van der Linden In my session I mentioned my Cloudant OSGi plugin, which can be find at https://bitbucket.org/flinden68/cloudant-connector/
Cloudant connector plugin update: manage Design documents
Yesterday I was helping out Patrick Kwinten with some he had with my Cloudant Connector plugin on Slack. He asked also about the possibility to add or modify Design Documents, I found there foundation was already there. Design Documents Design documents can be seen as the schema in your Cloudant database, which specify what is in the Read More
And the winner is…… HR Assistant
Last Friday during the closing session of Icon UK in London Inhi Suh announced, with a little help of Alan Hamilton, the results of the ICS Developer competition 2016. To my big surprise our submission, HR Assistant was selected as winner. Frédéric, my partner in crime in this competition was also very surprised a few timezones to Read More
Update on my Cloudant connector for XPages
A few weeks ago I released a small OSGi plugin project which connect to Cloudant. More details, see my previous blog. I have changed the plugin completly 😉 One of the reasons is to make it easier in the future to add new functionality. There are so much nice feature to be added. What is new Read More
Cloudant-connector for XPages
At Engage I was triggered by a great session of Niklas Heidloff of all the goodies on BlueMix. He was mentioning Cloudant, which is used for Node-Red, and simularities with the Notes Database. Like documents, views and even replication. Not that weird as you start looking closer, Cloudant is the cloud version of CouchDb. Which Read More