I moved our HR Assistant application to a Spring boot to run everywhere, but the data was still stored in a Cloudant database running on IBM Cloud. No problem, but not that flexible.
So I was looking for a way to to store the data somewhere with minimum impact.
Step 1: Get CouchDb running
I found Apache CouchDb and I followed the instructions from this github repository to setup a local version in Docker
By starting the docker container I was able to access the familiar web UI via http://localhost:5984/_utils/
Step 2: Replication
To get all my data from the Cloudant database I created a new Replication and keep the Replication Type on ‘One Time’
Step 3: change the properties
Next I need to point the HR Assistant application to my local CouchDb database. For CouchDb account can be empty
Step 4: check the application
After I started the application and logged in I see the same as I was seeing when my data was loaded from Cloudant.
So with no code changes I am able to run the HR Assistant application everywhere, with the data on a location where I want, in the cloud via Cloudant or local with CouchDb