Last week I finally found some time to start with the OpenNTF Essentials, mainly to get started with OpenNTF Domino API.
So I downloaded the zip file from OpenNTF and put the update sites on my Domino server.
There is one for the runtime and one for the Designer, so pointed in the Domino Designer to the correct update site url. Installation was flawless.
For the runtime I added the file path of the Runtime update site database to the notes.ini of the Domino server.
After a restart I noticed that not all my OSGi plugin were dynamically loaded from all the update site databases.
What cause the problem
On my development Domino server I have habit to separate the OSGi plugin in several UpdateSite databases. Mainly because you first need to delete all the content from the update site database before adding the new release. And in the past there was 2 weeks cycle of releases of the Extension Library.
Because of this separation my notes.ini parameter to load dynamically was long, with lots of filepaths.
And there I made a mistake, I just added the Essentials update site to the parameters separated by comma, as usual. After the server restart my XPages app were broken, because of misssing plugins, required by the apps.
The Solution
After some help of Christian Guerdemann of WebGate I found out that not all the OSGi plugin were loaded, by typing ‘tell http osgi ss org.openntf.domino’ . So I changed the notes.ini parameter by removing all the updatesites database paths who are referring to OSGi plugin who are also part of the OpenNTF Essentials Packages.
The result was a much shorter notes.ini parameter line and after a server restart a working XPages app.
It was an obvious solution, but the last time I was mainly in the ‘real’ Java world of Webapps and Frameworks.