Last week John Jardin pointed me to a very interested progress bar project, Pace JS. It is a loading progress bar which runs out of the box only by adding the Javascript and CSS theme. There is a possibility to configure it, but it is not necessary. Getting started I added in bower.json file the Read More
My presentation – Don’t worry with bower
I had submitted an abstract for Engage, due lots of great speakers I didn’t make it as a speaker, this year. But I want to share my presentation, any way.
Xcode update breaks Bower, but there is a solution
Recently I did some investigation to use Bower in XPages. Bower is a very powerful tool to keep all your front end frameworks updated and also keep track of dependencies. Today I was adding Bower support to an existing XPages app, by adding the bower.json and .bowerrc files to the root of the GIT repository Read More
Yesterday I read the blog post by Keith Strickland about CSJS Workflow, where he mentioned Bower. I heard the name frequently when I was exploring the modern web development frameworks, like AngularJS and NodeJS. So I started to investigate, what is Bower and how it can help me by managing the frameworks in my (XPages) projects. Read More